Thursday, September 10, 2015

Why "me and Jesus" isn't enough!

            In our culture today, many people will say that they are spiritual and not religious.  That attending church is outdated and unnecessary.  “I have my relationship with Jesus and that is enough”, is a common mantra.

The importance of belonging to a parish community is most evident when you go through tough times.  Five years ago, my mother was dying of lung cancer that had moved to the brain.  In the five short months between diagnosis and her time to move on, there were so many days of anguish.  Especially hard was the fact that my mom was bitter and angry with God. 

At times, I could not quiet myself enough to pray; yet I felt as if I was floating on the prayers of others.  There were days when a peaceful calm came over me. I attribute the calm to the prayers being said for my mom, for me and for my family.  Without the support of my parish prayer warriors, I would have been lost many of those days.

Recently, the evidence of the importance of belonging to a faith community was in play at my parish.  A 24 years old, who graduated from the parish grade school and Catholic high school, died a sudden and tragic death.  When the news of his passing quietly emanated throughout the community, hundreds of people came to Adoration to pray for his soul, for his wife, his daughter and his parents.

At his wake, the line was long to pray at his casket and greet his parents.  The church was packed for the burial mass.  And throughout the time from his death to burial, hundreds of people prayed Rosaries, Our Father’s, Hail Mary’s, countless of other prayers. Some have fasted for his soul, others provided meals for his family and others participated in a crowd funding effort to help pay for the funeral expenses.

When tragedy strikes, there isn’t a better place to be but in a faith community.  This is true when the tragedy affects you, but also when you can be the instrument of prayer and provider of needed assistance for those affected. 

Being a member of a faith community is more than attending church.  It means getting involved at some level in a ministry, helping the poor, volunteering to read at mass, teaching religious education, participating in a Bible study and on and on.  Becoming more involved will help you and your family feel that coming to your church/parish is not just coming to Church, but is coming home.  And that is why  “just Jesus and me” is not enough.