Typically, I don't re-quote other people in my blog, but today, I don't know how to say this better. Thanks Brother Sebastian! You can get other wisdom from the Order of Preachers or sign up for the Dominican Daily at http://www.ordopraedicatorum.org/Theology of the Soda Ban
Student brother Sebastian White, O.P. is a summer fellow at First Things magazine, a publication of The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. As part of his duties, Br. Sebastian publishes regularly at First Thoughts, the blog site for the journal. Below is an excerpt of his recent blog post :
It’s the combination of values that is puzzling: a quasi-religious zeal to eliminate soda, salt, and saturated fat on the one hand, and the toleration—nay, promotion—of grave offenses against human dignity and health on the other. When premarital sex, homosexuality, contraception, and abortion are encouraged in health class, isn’t Michael Bloomberg’s crusade against sugary drinks a bit odd? As the Church is backed into a corner because of its teaching on sexuality, and its institutions face increasing pressure to compromise and cooperate with abortion, gay marriage, and contraception, and after the city bans religious groups from using public property, lawmakers are getting moralistic about food. It’s a good thing if people eat less fat and sugar, to be sure, but let’s put first things first.
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