Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gleaning Wheat

Today, I viewed the tenth lesson in Jeff Cavin's Bible Study Timeline of Salvation History focused on the book of Judges.  I was most struck about his comment about Ruth.  She was in the field gleaning wheat just moments before she met Boaz, her future husband.  And that encounter would change her life, leading her to become the great grandmother of King David, and an ancestor of Christ.

Ruth, a Moabite woman, was determined to take care of her mother-in-law, Naomi, after the death of both of their husbands.  She traveled to Naomi's home of Bethlehem and was working in the fields gleaning wheat after the harvesters had gone through the fields. The Bible doesn't give any indication about her emotions.  Was she lonely since she left her family to follow Naomi? Was she tired?  The Book of Ruth simply says that she worked " with scarcely a moment's rest". (Ruth 2:7)

There she was, doing exactly what she had promised to do, to take care of her mother-in-law.  It was an ordinary day and she was doing the daily chores.  And suddenly, her life changed with the meeting of Boaz. 

This event makes me think about the importance of doing the daily work of life faithfully and with dedication.  Who knows how the Lord will use what we do today to change our lives or the lives of those we encounter.  He is a great and might God whose love we can't comprehend.

The entire story can be found in the short book of Ruth (four chapters) in the Old Testament.

1 comment:

  1. Of course I am familiar with the story but realized for the first time that Naomi was from Bethlehem. Last week in my study of David, I realized that Bethlehem was his home town also. It all reinforces the foreshadowing of Christ. Love it!
