Monday, June 20, 2011

Morning Demons

This morning was an unusual Monday morning.  It is the beginning a summer and, for this week at least, there are no lunches to make or buses to catch.  But it was made more unusual in that my father-in-law  had to be taken to the emergency room at Midnight.  He fragile health condition deteriorated to the point that he couldn't stand up and he seemed to have lost short term memory.

I didn't fall asleep until 1:30 this morning and my husband arrived back from the hospital at 5 am.  Jim had been admitted and he will be in the hospital for a few days.  I spoke briefly to my husband and then fell back to sleep, waking up to the 7 am alarm.

For me, Monday mornings are pivotal to the productivity of the week.  I was somewhat apprehensive about what the day would bring.  I began to pray morning prayers from the Magnificat. In the paragraph before the Psalm it states that "Every morning we arise afresh in Christ our light.  Ancient Christian writers warn against 'morning demons: yesterday's worries and grievances returning to poison the new day."*

I shook my head and thought, how did they know that I thought I might spend my morning focused on the activities of yesterday.  How many mornings have I allowed those morning demons to set the tone for the day?  How much time to I waste thinking about the past?

One of the intersessions for today is a great prayer for any morning: "Grant us fresh hope at the beginning of this day- that we may live it for your glory and our neighbor's good."  What a great way to keep those demons at bay and we celebrate the beginning of a new day.

*Magnificant, Vol 13 No. 4, June 2011, page 288.

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