Saturday, September 29, 2012

Did an Angel Drive my Car?

I wonder if I had a direct encounter with the supernatural world on Wednesday night.  Today’s feast of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael reminded of Wednesday’s crazy series of events.  The short story is that I accidently took the wrong medicine before dental surgery. 

Each time I see the dentist, I take four tables of antibiotics to prevent any infection that might occur in my replaced hip.  I thought I only had antibiotics in my medicine cabinet and took four pills without looking at the pill container.  It was only after feeling lightheaded and sick that I asked the dental assistant to call my husband to pick me up.

My husband noticed that the pill container contained codeine.  After my dentist assured me that I hadn’t overdosed, I spent the afternoon quite ill, dosing on the couch.  At dinner, I only drank water and still felt awful as I laid back on the couch.  I agreed that I would go with my husband at 8 to pick up my car.  Neither of us wanted to leave the car in the parking lot over night.

On the drive to the parking lot I was not sure how I would manage to drive the three miles back to the house.  As I got in the car, my stomach felt queasy.  I got behind the wheel, took a deep breath and started the car.  I knew my husband was following me and would pull over with me if I needed to stop.  Yet, as I pulled out onto the main road, I didn’t have any problem driving.  I was cautious, but did not have any difficulty turning or stopping.

Sooner than I knew, I pulled into my drive way and parked.  I sighed and got out of the car. As I walked to the mailbox to get the mail, I began to feel awful again.  My husband got out of his car and commented on how great I drove, as I threw up on the grass.  I was so weak that I was

I can only think that I must have had some supernatural assistance to get me home safely.  Did my guardian angel assist me in that time of need?  Some will say it might have been adrenaline or just my own nature. Others will deny the existence of thrones, dominions, angels and archangels.  On this day, when we remember our supernatural friends, I am thankful to the angel who might have been driving my car on Wednesday.

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