Four years ago, I was captivated by St. Augustine after hearing a priest
speak about the “God shaped hole” in our
hearts. He quoted St. Augustine in saying, “our hearts are restless until they
rest in you.” From that moment on, I
looked to this wise and very human Saint for guidance.
The challenge of capturing St.
Augustine’s story in a 2 hour movie is daunting and director Christian Duguay’s
product is understandable for both believers and non-believers. The storyline follows Augustine from his
birth and childhood in Thagaste (Northern Africa); to Carthage where he hone
raw skills into brilliant oratory. He lives a dissolute life, even bringing his
concubine and child to live with his mother.
He denies his mother’s believe
in God at many times in his life, inspite of his father’s baptism upon his
deathbed. One of the most powerful
scenes takes place in the public square, in front of his Mother and priest as
he states that belief is foolish because it cannot be scene or touched. Augustine continues to seek truth, not
finding it in fame or fortune or pagan religions.
Augustine is eventually called
to Milan to serve in the court and here he meets St. Ambrose, bishop of
Milan. It is Ambrose who sees the talent
of young Augustine and challenges him.
The portrayal of St. Ambrose by Andrea Giordana is easily the most
compelling performance in the movie.
In a series of scenes, Ambrose
plants and then nourishes the seed of belief in Augustine, allowing him to see
how is ambition, self seeking, immoral life leads to emptiness. He helps Augustine to understand that seeking
truth means finding the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For me, the conversion
scene was the least believable part of the movie.
Once Augustine understands the
all consuming love and mercy that Christ has for him, he is liberated. And that liberation leads to writing that
still brings men and women to Christ today.
I now need to re-read his Confessions! While seeing his life come to the big screen was entertaining, his written word is powerful and can't be replaced by a video medium.
It is a move that is best viewed
on the “big screen”. Private viewings of
the movie are being sponsored by organizations and individuals throughout the
country. For a list of viewings, go to
You can make that happen by hosting a theatrical screening in your area! To learn the steps involved in scheduling and hosting a successful screening of this amazing film, contact The Maximus Group at 1-877-263-1263 or
You can make that happen by hosting a theatrical screening in your area! To learn the steps involved in scheduling and hosting a successful screening of this amazing film, contact The Maximus Group at 1-877-263-1263 or
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