On this, last day of the papacy of Benedict XVI, I can’t but be filled with his words from yesterday’s general audience. I have truly loved the messages that he has given in his audiences and have learned much. One of my favorite books by our Holy Father comes from his audiences. Holy Men and Women from the Middle Ages and Beyond is a compilation of audience from 2010 and 2011. It is beautifully written with care and love for these men and women who loved God above all else.
He makes the point that he is not leaving us in that he will be joined with us in his prayers for the church and he humbly asks us to pray for him, the new Pope and the church. Note that he doesn’t ask only for prayers for him, but his successor and the entire church.
His retirement is the “fruit of a serene trust in God’s will and a deep love of Christ’s Church”. He said so much said in so few words. It was prayer that led him to make this difficult decision serenely. How often is serenity part of our world today?
Today, at 2pm local time, the time that the Chair of Peter will become empty, I will be joining colleagues in prayer and then in a champagne toast to our Pope emeritus. I wouldn’t be surprised if I shed a tear or two.
If I have learned one thing from the past two papacy’s it is that God, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance will give us just who we need to lead the church. Joyful trust – that is what I have in our Lord and in the man who is the Successor of Peter. Thank you Papa Ratzinger!